
Farm Animal Playbox Activity

Farm Animal Playbox Activity

Categories : Playbox

Our Farm Animal Playbox has many fun and interactive activities including Farm Animal Dice (a fun Gross Motor Activity).

Suggestion on how to play:

Using the homemade farm animal dice, give each person a turn to throw the dice

1) Make the noise of the animal that lands face-up on the dice.

2) Act out the movement/action related to the animal. (e.g waddle like a duck, roll in the mud like a pig, milk the cow, etc)

3) Use the dice to choose which animal is next when singing “Old MacDonald had a farm”

What are Gross motor Skills and why are they important:

Gross motor skills are physical skills that require the whole body to move and involve the large (core stabilizing) muscles of the body to perform activities like walking, kicking, throwing, jumping, climbing, and catching.

“Gross motor skills are based on the development of the sense of balance in order to control muscle tone and directionality, and are guided by the eyes and ears to give a sense of purpose, respond to sensory input, maintain an upright posture and give a sense of confidence and independence.” (Extract from Play Learn Know by Dr Melodie De Jäger and Liz Victor)

Gross Motor Skills are a critical life skill and benefit your child:

1)They develop strength and endurance

2) They help your child gain confidence and self-esteem

3) They encourage physical activity

4) They help improve concentration

5) They help children lay the foundation for school skills.

Children enjoy learning most when they are moving and using movement to learn!

Visit: https://www.playwhizz.co.za/ to rent this fun playbox

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